Some excerpts from the
review of Richard Wrangham's new book,
Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human:
"Just over two and a half million years ago, our brains swelled. Less than a million years later, they swelled again, our posture and our gait changed, our jaws shrank, and we grew taller. These two evolutionary changes define our species, distinguishing us from our fellow primates. 1.8 million years ago, we learned to cook. Cooking... literally powered our evolution."
"Archeologists have found earth ovens more than 250,000 years old.... Cooking is the only possible explanation for the transformation that stood us on our feet, shrank our guts, gave us silly teeth and receding jawlines, and swelled our brains to their current, horrendously fuel-inefficient size."
"No one, ancient or modern, settled or nomadic, has ever survived for more than a couple of seasons on an exclusively raw diet."