Fruit acids are wonderful at gently removing dead skin and brightening skin. Oatmeal calms, yogurt tightens pores, and cucumbers soothe eyes.
Stick with organics to avoid pesticides, and peel fruits and vegetables anyway -- even organics are allowed to have natural waxes.
Some ideas:
- For oily skin, grated apple and honey, or a puree of cucumber and yogurt;
- For exfoliation, wheat germ and warm honey; sea salt and extra virgin olive oil; or a simple paste of oatmeal and water;
- Avocado, honey, and almond flour make a moisturizing mask;
- Mashed peach and extra virgin olive oil work for dry skin;
- Cool, wet tea bags or cucumber slices de-puff eyes;
- Seaweed detoxifies;
- For enzymatic exfoliation, mix strawberries, papaya, honey, and oatmeal.